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    From your trusted insurance advisors

    With a team of nearly 50 insurance experts and all-around good people, we sometimes think we’ve seen it all. If you need information on commercial or personal insurance or employee benefits; want news on best practices or maybe just a feel-good story, check in with Campbell. We’re here to share what we know. 

    Campbell Insurance: OSHA’s Outdoor and Indoor Heat-related Hazards National Emphasis Program

    On April 12, 2022, OSHA launched its National Emphasis Program (NEP) to protect workers from heat-related hazards in indoor and outdoor workplaces. Through the program, OSHA will conduct workplace inspections aimed at identifying heat-related hazards before workers suffer preventable injuries,…

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    OSHA FAQs: Reporting Serious Injuries

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires covered employers to report and record occupational injuries and illnesses. Specifically, employers are required to report serious injuries to OSHA as follows: Employee fatalities must be reported within eight hours Inpatient hospitalization, amputation or…

    Read MoreOSHA FAQs: Reporting Serious Injuries